Tantric Massage
Available for both individuals and couples. This is a slow, close contact and sensual massage that induces relaxation, comfort and deep breathing. Clients are encouraged to try and expand their awareness of various types of physical touch all over their body and be more open to embracing and feeling comfortable with their sensual selves. This requires a relaxed and inquisitive mindset that is able to be less bashful and more open to sensual experience. In this respect we regard and treat tantric massage as holistic and therapeutic, and more than just a pampering session. Tantric massage is for clients who wish to reconnect with their sensual self, or gain a better understanding of how they experience their own sense of touch and sensuality. However, we wish to make it totally clear that whilst our tantric massage is unashamedly erotic and covers all areas of the body, we are what we say on the tin, and that we do not use the term "tantric massage" as some kind of phoney cover-phrase for reciprocal or spontaneous sexual services. This next bit is really important.....therapists need to give consent before any reciprocal touching can occur, and there should be no assumption that it will always be given!
We have a separate information sheet giving more information on tantric massage and it is a requirement that clients read and understand it before we book you in and the session takes place. This can be emailed to you on request. There are no exceptions to this and the info cannot be sent to you by text message. We have three separate sheets for males, females and couples so please state which sheet you require.
This type of massage is generally available for females off Bri, and for males off Val. There is no female-to-female service for this type of massage. Men who wish to enquire about male-to-male massage can do so and replies will be given on an individually considered basis.
Couples are also welcome to enquire.
We use massage lotion rather than massage oil as it's easier to wash residues out of fabrics afterwards.
Individuals, 1-2-1, £80 for one hour, or £110 for an hour and a half. New clients can only book for one hour for their first visit, but may be offered longer sessions on subsequent visits depending on their demeanour during the first visit.
Couples, with both Bri and Val, £120 for one hour, £160 for an hour and a half. Click HERE for more details on Couples Massage.
WITHELD PHONE NUMBERS. Due to the time-wasting and immature nature of most of the calls we receive from witheld numbers, we will no longer be answering them! So if you are a genuine enquirer but your call displays at our end as "unknown number" or "number witheld" then it will not be answered. Some clients who call from work phones may be unaware that their call is displaying "unknown number" at our end so it's worth being aware of this. We have no interest whatsoever in dealing with clients who are totally secretive and act out in the shadows. We seek to establish open, honest and meaningful connections with our clients and we tend to find nothing but trouble from the type of client who withholds their number.